Cable Companies, Apartments, Condos & Other MDU's

The Video Messenger Community Service Channel


Video Messenger's Electronic Bulletin Boards are being used by cable companies, apartment complexes, condo associations and other types of multiple dwelling units. This is the simplest way ever invented for creating an information or community service channel. The optional multimedia package allows you to show stills and video with your text messages (see system detail). Easily and effectively reach your subscribers with the touch of a key. Some of our customers include Oceanic Cable (Hawaii), Time Warner Cable, Comcast Cable, and hundreds of smaller cable systems throughout the US and Canada. Our customers report dramatic increases in interest and sales for the items promoted using the Video Messenger. Many customers provide Video Messengers to School Systems which allows them to directly input school information onto a community service channel from a remote location. Other cable customers provide the Video Messenger as a free piece of equipment to Multi Dwelling Unit customers as an incentive to sign or renew their cable service contract.

Video Messenger Company has been providing message generators since 1989. Let the Video Messenger becomes your tireless information center. Call us today!